Humane Wildlife Removal

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What Happens When Wildlife Removal Experts Find Animals Living in My Home?

Contacting a humane professional is the easiest way to safely remove animals from your home. Wildlife removal technicians are specially trained to adhere to the following rules when handling live animals with skilful care. Here is what we learned from wildlife removal Burlington.

  • Ministry Wildlife Statues: The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has passed several regulations to help humans live in healthy co-existence with their natural neighbours. Homeowners who encounter a wild animal in their home are required by law to have the creature removed within 24 hours. If the animal is suffering from poor health, then homeowners are obligated to contact a humane wildlife removal service.
  • Benevolent Mammal Removal: Humane relocation places animals within one kilometer of their original habitat. This prevents wildlife from suffering in an unfamiliar environment. Professionals will adjust their removal strategy based on the known breeding cycles of the species. Raccoons, skunks, and squirrels regularly make use of warm human spaces to rear their brood. The presence of young requires special care by wildlife removal specialists. Once the mother has been removed from her den, a heated baby box may be installed to assist natural relocation. After the exclusion is complete, specialists will illustrate vulnerable access points to homeowners to prevent re-entry.
  • Flying Pest Exclusion: Manoeuvrable birds and bats present unique challenges to homeowners and wildlife removal experts. Technicians begin by gently removing nesting materials. Flight-capable animals are likely to relocate on their own when their nests are disturbed. Installing a warm baby box near the home allows flying animals to mature naturally and fly away. Removal of deceased young prevents their decomposition from attracting fungus and bacteria to your home.

Principles Behind Humane Wildlife Removal

Mammalian wildlife, such as raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and opossums, can be a Toronto homeowner’s worst nightmare. These species, however, have been living in the Toronto area since long before Canada claimed the territory. For this reason, we should take special care to not rid our properties of these animals via the spraying of dangerous chemicals, painful animal traps, and other cruel tactics. Read this article to learn about the principles behind humane wildlife removal.

Balance the needs of wildlife with those of people. The underlying philosophy of humane wildlife removal is that wildlife plays a vital role in the world in which we live and that humans and non-domesticated animals can live alongside one another harmoniously. Humane wildlife removal professionals aim to inconvenience humans as little as possible while making an effort to keep disturbances to animal communities to a minimum.

Use all available sciences in determining a removal method. Biology, chemistry, climatology, ecology, geography, and mathematics all play a role in decisions that are made by humane wildlife removal specialists.

Formulate a clear goal. One goal of wildlife removal professionals is to utilize the aforementioned sciences to devise a wildlife removal strategy that has a clear objective. In some cases, this may be to simply remove a raccoon or a bat that poses a threat to the value of a property or the wellbeing of a family. In other cases, the strategy selected may be designed to prevent specific wildlife populations from staking claim to territory on your property.

Employ the most feasible humane removal option. Regardless of which species of animal is the subject of the removal or exclusion strategy, the most humane option that is still considered feasible is typically chosen.

The Risks of Attempting Wildlife Removal on Your Own

Most homeowners will have to deal with wildlife removal at some point. When the time comes, it’s important to have the job done by a professional. Many animals present dangers and health risks to humans, sometimes through actual attacks, and in other cases through bacteria and viruses. For the following reasons, wildlife removal should never be attempted by anyone without a lot of experience.

  • Risks of Bites

Raccoons and other wildlife that are common problems around homes can carry dangerous diseases, like rabies. Not only will bites cause physical harm, but if the animal is rabid, then a bite can be potentially lethal. Approaching and handling wildlife should never be done without the proper equipment and training.  Call professionals for help.

  • Other Health Hazards

After removing wildlife that lives in your home, you may be faced with a lot of animal droppings that have accumulated over time. These droppings can be potentially very hazardous to your health, and can lead to serious diseases. Bird and bat droppings, as well as rat and mouse droppings, should all be handled very carefully, as they can infect the lungs through inhalation.

  • Continuing Problems

Removing wildlife must involve both physical removal of the pests, but also sealing the home and preventing infestation from reoccurring. Doing wildlife removal yourself means that you are only solving half of the problem, as you’ll probably have to keep dealing with wildlife removal unless you do a professional job of sealing off your house completely. Professional wildlife removal services can help to ensure that animals don’t come back.

Call Humane Wildlife Removal if you need wildlife to be removed from your property. Don’t risk your own well being by doing it yourself. We offer raccoon, skunk, opossum, and squirrel removal. For more information, call us.

4 Signs You Should Call a Humane Wildlife Removal Specialist ASAP

In the wild, animals are fascinating beings that should be left undisturbed and treated with respect.  However, our Toronto communities are not places in which wild animals should live. Their presence can pose a threat to us, our property, and the animals themselves. Here are 4 signs that you should call a wildlife removal specialist right away. (more…)

Signs Your Home Has Been Infiltrated by Small Woodland Creatures

Raccoons, squirrels, bats, birds, and bugs are only a few of the creatures that can have you calling your Toronto wildlife removal company in a panic. There are several indicators that you may have a problem with any of these creatures, so read on to learn about a few of the ways you can spot a potential issue. (more…)

Common Home Characteristics that Attract Wildlife Looking for a Place to Call Home

Every fall, animals make their way into Toronto homes for food and warmth. Whether or not they are attracted to your home depends on a few basic characteristics. Here are some tips that can help to keep wildlife out of your home. (more…)

Common Wildlife that Could be Making Your Toronto Home their Own

oronto is a beautiful city, and the surrounding area is full of wildlife. Some of these creatures venture into our neighborhoods and into our homes, making wildlife removal services necessary. (more…)

Tips for Wildlife-Proofing Your Home So it Doesn’t Become a Wildlife Motel

You’re not the only one who enjoys spending time in a warm, comfortable home. Wild animals love it, too. If you don’t wildlife-proof your home, then you may find yourself living with a lot of uninvited guests that bring parasites and disease. Here are some tips to help keep wild animals from getting into your home.

  • Seal and protect all openings to your home.

Do a comprehensive check of all vents and potential entrances to your home. Make sure chimneys have caps, all exhaust fan openings are covered, and window wells are grated. If you have a deck that is lower than 2 feet above the ground, you should dig a trench around the perimeter and line it with wire to keep animals from digging underneath.

  • Clean up debris.

Clean your yard and attic.  Be sure to clear out any piles of debris and dismantle and dispose of any environment that a wild animal could find suitable as a nest. Open spaces are generally not as attractive to wildlife as nooks and crannies.

  • Minimize the attractions outside.

If a food source is exposed outside, such as a pet dish, open garbage can, or a compost pile, then animals will be attracted to your home. Make sure that your garbage cans are durable and secured so that raccoons and other animals cannot tip them over or get inside them.

  • Don’t leave food out inside.

If animals have already gotten into your home, then don’t let them get to the food that they want. Make sure all counters have been cleaned and all food is kept secure in sealed containers.

Humane Wildlife Removal specializes in both wildlife removal and making sure that wildlife cannot return to your home. If you have had problems with raccoons, squirrels, skunks, opossums, or other wildlife, get in touch with us today. For more information, call us or visit our website.

What Does it Take for Wildlife Removal to be Considered Humane?

The proper treatment of wildlife, even when they get a bit too close to our homes for comfort, is an important part of protecting our planet. That is why it is essential that humane methods are used when removing wildlife from homes and other buildings. Some animal removal companies advertise their “humane” practices, but what does that actually mean? Here are some of the key tenets of humane animal removal:

  • Cause Minimal Stress

It is imperative that an agent capturing and removing a bothersome raccoon or squirrel treats the animal with extreme care. Humane wildlife removal companies should try to avoid threatening or scaring an animal and take extra measures to ensure that the animal experiences as little physical discomfort as possible.

  • Minimize Injury

It is illegal and unethical to unnecessarily harm an animal, so a good and properly licensed animal removal service will capture animals using humane methods such as nets and catch poles instead of poisons and traps.

  • Care for Injuries

If a captured animal is sick or injured, the captor must seek treatment from a veterinarian right away.

  • Humane Release

When removing bothersome animals from homes and commercial buildings, removal companies must release the captured creature within 24 hours, no more than 1 kilometre away from where it was captured.

If a wildlife animal is scratching at your roof, climbing in your wall, or hiding in your garage, it’s time to call us