Humane Wildlife Removal

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Tips for Wildlife-Proofing Your Home So it Doesn’t Become a Wildlife Motel

You’re not the only one who enjoys spending time in a warm, comfortable home. Wild animals love it, too. If you don’t wildlife-proof your home, then you may find yourself living with a lot of uninvited guests that bring parasites and disease. Here are some tips to help keep wild animals from getting into your home.

  • Seal and protect all openings to your home.

Do a comprehensive check of all vents and potential entrances to your home. Make sure chimneys have caps, all exhaust fan openings are covered, and window wells are grated. If you have a deck that is lower than 2 feet above the ground, you should dig a trench around the perimeter and line it with wire to keep animals from digging underneath.

  • Clean up debris.

Clean your yard and attic.  Be sure to clear out any piles of debris and dismantle and dispose of any environment that a wild animal could find suitable as a nest. Open spaces are generally not as attractive to wildlife as nooks and crannies.

  • Minimize the attractions outside.

If a food source is exposed outside, such as a pet dish, open garbage can, or a compost pile, then animals will be attracted to your home. Make sure that your garbage cans are durable and secured so that raccoons and other animals cannot tip them over or get inside them.

  • Don’t leave food out inside.

If animals have already gotten into your home, then don’t let them get to the food that they want. Make sure all counters have been cleaned and all food is kept secure in sealed containers.

Humane Wildlife Removal specializes in both wildlife removal and making sure that wildlife cannot return to your home. If you have had problems with raccoons, squirrels, skunks, opossums, or other wildlife, get in touch with us today. For more information, call us or visit our website.

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