Humane Wildlife Removal

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What Does it Take for Wildlife Removal to be Considered Humane?

The proper treatment of wildlife, even when they get a bit too close to our homes for comfort, is an important part of protecting our planet. That is why it is essential that humane methods are used when removing wildlife from homes and other buildings. Some animal removal companies advertise their “humane” practices, but what does that actually mean? Here are some of the key tenets of humane animal removal:

  • Cause Minimal Stress

It is imperative that an agent capturing and removing a bothersome raccoon or squirrel treats the animal with extreme care. Humane wildlife removal companies should try to avoid threatening or scaring an animal and take extra measures to ensure that the animal experiences as little physical discomfort as possible.

  • Minimize Injury

It is illegal and unethical to unnecessarily harm an animal, so a good and properly licensed animal removal service will capture animals using humane methods such as nets and catch poles instead of poisons and traps.

  • Care for Injuries

If a captured animal is sick or injured, the captor must seek treatment from a veterinarian right away.

  • Humane Release

When removing bothersome animals from homes and commercial buildings, removal companies must release the captured creature within 24 hours, no more than 1 kilometre away from where it was captured.

If a wildlife animal is scratching at your roof, climbing in your wall, or hiding in your garage, it’s time to call us

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