Humane Wildlife Removal

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What Happens When Wildlife Removal Experts Find Animals Living in My Home?

Contacting a humane professional is the easiest way to safely remove animals from your home. Wildlife removal technicians are specially trained to adhere to the following rules when handling live animals with skilful care. Here is what we learned from wildlife removal Burlington.

  • Ministry Wildlife Statues: The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has passed several regulations to help humans live in healthy co-existence with their natural neighbours. Homeowners who encounter a wild animal in their home are required by law to have the creature removed within 24 hours. If the animal is suffering from poor health, then homeowners are obligated to contact a humane wildlife removal service.
  • Benevolent Mammal Removal: Humane relocation places animals within one kilometer of their original habitat. This prevents wildlife from suffering in an unfamiliar environment. Professionals will adjust their removal strategy based on the known breeding cycles of the species. Raccoons, skunks, and squirrels regularly make use of warm human spaces to rear their brood. The presence of young requires special care by wildlife removal specialists. Once the mother has been removed from her den, a heated baby box may be installed to assist natural relocation. After the exclusion is complete, specialists will illustrate vulnerable access points to homeowners to prevent re-entry.
  • Flying Pest Exclusion: Manoeuvrable birds and bats present unique challenges to homeowners and wildlife removal experts. Technicians begin by gently removing nesting materials. Flight-capable animals are likely to relocate on their own when their nests are disturbed. Installing a warm baby box near the home allows flying animals to mature naturally and fly away. Removal of deceased young prevents their decomposition from attracting fungus and bacteria to your home.

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