Humane Wildlife Removal

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How to Keep Your Home Defended Against Wildlife Intrusion

Raccoon removal Burlington is naturally equipped with tools for gaining entrance to your home. Foil their efforts by applying tactical protective measures across the house.

  • Secure and Defend: Wildlife, like raccoons, utilize powerful teeth and claws to access food sources. Homeowners should secure their homes with the proper materials to ensure animals remain outdoors. Welded metal wires can be installed behind vents and exposed shingles. Protect your chimney with a cap and check its durability once a year. Immediately repair any weaknesses in home siding. Apply metal nets to sidewall vents as well. Never leave windows open unattended. An open garage door offers another opportunity for hungry animals.Remove wood, leaves, and outdoor debris that could be used as cover by raccoons and squirrels. Cut back branches that might allow access to an upper story. Wildlife will go through great lengths for food. Keep high light fixtures sealed to discourage birds from nesting on your home. Prevent entry to a deck’s underside by sealing access points with cement. Sufficient preparation can help keep animals from breaching your home’s perimeter. Outdoor pets like dogs and cats also serve as a natural deterrent to wild animals.
  • Eliminate Food Sources: Most scenarios in need of wildlife removal are prompted by a reachable food source. This extends to garbing cans, food for pets, and leftovers from backyard BBQs. Keep these items indoors to avoid detection from keen olfactory organs. Animals successful in obtaining food from a homeowner’s property will likely return to the scene at a later date. Territorial wildlife, like opossums, may begin to recognize your yard as its own territory. Consider installing locks for your garbage bins if trash collection is irregular or infrequence.

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