Humane Wildlife Removal

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Category: Wildlife Control

Read More Wildlife Removal Resources!

Humanely removing and excluding local wildlife from the warmth and comfort of our homes is an important part of home maintenance. Even if they are adorable, we must remember that they can cause extensive and expensive damage to residential and commercial structures. If you want to know more about keeping wildlife out of our homes and workplaces, then check out these links: (more…)

Dealing with Bee and Wasp Hives on Your Property

Bees and wasps are common pests that can be very dangerous to those who are allergic to their stings and bites. Unfortunately for homeowners, there flying insects like to use nooks and crevices, both indoors and out, in order to set up hives. Here are some tips and guidelines for dealing with bee and wasp hives that need removal. (more…)

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Common Wildlife that Could be Making Your Toronto Home their Own

oronto is a beautiful city, and the surrounding area is full of wildlife. Some of these creatures venture into our neighborhoods and into our homes, making wildlife removal services necessary. (more…)

Health Risks Associated with Wildlife Living in Walls, Crawlspaces, and Attics

Wildlife living in your walls and other parts of your house may be noisy and irritating, but they are much more than a simple nuisance. Animals living in your house pose serious dangers to your home and family. Squirrels and other animals like raccoons can cause damage to insulation and electrical wiring, but worst of all: Wildlife poses serious health risks.

Animal droppings

Any animal that is living in your home will produce droppings that are much worse than a disgusting annoyance. If birds or bats are living in your attic, their droppings can cause serious diseases, like histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Rat and mouse droppings come with their own share of diseases and infection risks, including Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The longer you wait to call a wildlife removal service, the more disease-ridden fecal matter and urine will accumulate in the walls, attic, or basement of your home.

Parasites and other sources of disease

Wildlife brings in fleas and other parasites from the outdoors and provides them a home inside your house. Rats, opossums, and other pests can carry the fleas which carry diseases, like murine typhus. Even if the fleas are not carrying diseases, their bites can be exceptionally irritating. Wildlife removal services can get rid of the vessel on which these parasites enter your home.


In some rare instances, homeowners are attacked by pests and bitten when going into the attic or crawlspace. Aside from the bite itself, some animal, like mice and rats, can transmit diseases like rat-bite fever and rabies. All wildlife bites should be taken very seriously. Removal of the wildlife from your home will eliminate the threat of your pets or someone in your family being bitten.

If you have animals living in your Toronto residence, then don’t hesitate to call Humane Wildlife Removal to have them humanely removed. We handle wildlife cases of all types, including raccoon, squirrel, skunk, and opossum removal. We can also seal your home so animals do not return. Call us todayor visit us on the web.

Mission Impossible Raccoon

Raccoons are very pervasive and persistent pests that plague neighborhoods in Toronto and across the continent. They create destructive nuisances wherever they venture, especially in suburban areas. (more…)

Why You Shouldn’t Attempt Bee and Wasp Nest Removal on Your Own

Wildlife removal services regularly rid homeowners of bee and wasp infestations. Beehives and wasp nests are typically found in the wild, but there are times when these kinds of wildlife will choose our Toronto homes as their nesting sites. Eaves and overhangs can present a sheltered spot for these insects to establish new homes, while others may choose attic spaces and even build a hive within your home’s walls.

It’s important to allow a professional Toronto wildlife removal specialist attend to your bee or wasp issue, because while the insects themselves can present a danger to allergic persons, an entire nest or hive can be the source of potential tragedy.

Bees and wasps are not often aggressive by nature, but each will defend their hives or nests with force. This often results in swarming behavior and painful stings.

While a single bee or wasp sting isn’t often a reason for worry, multiple stings can cause health problems. An allergic person can have a severe reaction that requires a visit to the hospital. For this reason, always contact a wildlife removal service to assist you.

Having bees or wasps professionally remediated by a wildlife removal company presents the least risk to you and your pets. These insects can present a serious danger to household animals. An angered swarm can quickly overcome dogs and cats.

Bees are attracted to sweet-smelling items like flowers and fruit, so you may find the occasional bee trapped within your home. You can always call a wildlife removal specialist to understand how to identify the type of bee and determine if you have an infestation or merely a trapped insect.

If you suspect your home may harbor a beehive or wasp nest, contact your Toronto wildlife removal company immediately. Some nest removals can prove very difficult, and it’s always best to allow the professionals to take care of the problem.

Humane Wildlife Removal can safely and humanely remove errant wildlife from your Toronto home. Contact us to learn about our other services as well, including raccoon, squirrel, and skunk removal.

The Damage Wildlife Can Do To Home Interiors

Wild animals are interesting and adorable in their natural habitats. But, when they enter your habitat, the situation is quite different. A wild animal that is in your house must be removed quickly by a wildlife removal expert or it can cause extensive damage to many parts of the home. Here are some examples of what unchecked wildlife could do to the inside of your home: (more…)

Tips for Wildlife-Proofing Your Home So it Doesn’t Become a Wildlife Motel

You’re not the only one who enjoys spending time in a warm, comfortable home. Wild animals love it, too. If you don’t wildlife-proof your home, then you may find yourself living with a lot of uninvited guests that bring parasites and disease. Here are some tips to help keep wild animals from getting into your home.

  • Seal and protect all openings to your home.

Do a comprehensive check of all vents and potential entrances to your home. Make sure chimneys have caps, all exhaust fan openings are covered, and window wells are grated. If you have a deck that is lower than 2 feet above the ground, you should dig a trench around the perimeter and line it with wire to keep animals from digging underneath.

  • Clean up debris.

Clean your yard and attic.  Be sure to clear out any piles of debris and dismantle and dispose of any environment that a wild animal could find suitable as a nest. Open spaces are generally not as attractive to wildlife as nooks and crannies.

  • Minimize the attractions outside.

If a food source is exposed outside, such as a pet dish, open garbage can, or a compost pile, then animals will be attracted to your home. Make sure that your garbage cans are durable and secured so that raccoons and other animals cannot tip them over or get inside them.

  • Don’t leave food out inside.

If animals have already gotten into your home, then don’t let them get to the food that they want. Make sure all counters have been cleaned and all food is kept secure in sealed containers.

Humane Wildlife Removal specializes in both wildlife removal and making sure that wildlife cannot return to your home. If you have had problems with raccoons, squirrels, skunks, opossums, or other wildlife, get in touch with us today. For more information, call us or visit our website.

Facts About Opossums: Similarities Between Opossums & Rats

Opossums present some issues for homeowners, and while they don’t tend to be aggressive or vicious animals, they can still be a nuisance. Their appearance can be unsettling to some due to the fact that they can look like giant rodents. You would be surprised how common opossum problems are in Toronto.

In this video, you learn about what sets an opossum apart from rodents like rats and mice, even though their appearance is very similar.

Humane Wildlife Removal can humanely remove opossums from your house or yard. Call us at to schedule an appointment, or visit us online to learn more about our extensive wildlife removal services.


What Does it Take for Wildlife Removal to be Considered Humane?

The proper treatment of wildlife, even when they get a bit too close to our homes for comfort, is an important part of protecting our planet. That is why it is essential that humane methods are used when removing wildlife from homes and other buildings. Some animal removal companies advertise their “humane” practices, but what does that actually mean? Here are some of the key tenets of humane animal removal:

  • Cause Minimal Stress

It is imperative that an agent capturing and removing a bothersome raccoon or squirrel treats the animal with extreme care. Humane wildlife removal companies should try to avoid threatening or scaring an animal and take extra measures to ensure that the animal experiences as little physical discomfort as possible.

  • Minimize Injury

It is illegal and unethical to unnecessarily harm an animal, so a good and properly licensed animal removal service will capture animals using humane methods such as nets and catch poles instead of poisons and traps.

  • Care for Injuries

If a captured animal is sick or injured, the captor must seek treatment from a veterinarian right away.

  • Humane Release

When removing bothersome animals from homes and commercial buildings, removal companies must release the captured creature within 24 hours, no more than 1 kilometre away from where it was captured.

If a wildlife animal is scratching at your roof, climbing in your wall, or hiding in your garage, it’s time to call us