Humane Wildlife Removal

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Squirrels Eating From the Bird Feed!

As anyone who has tried to keep squirrels away from bird feed knows, they are very persistent and often surprisingly good at getting to the food. (more…)

4 Signs You Should Call a Humane Wildlife Removal Specialist ASAP

In the wild, animals are fascinating beings that should be left undisturbed and treated with respect.  However, our Toronto communities are not places in which wild animals should live. Their presence can pose a threat to us, our property, and the animals themselves. Here are 4 signs that you should call a wildlife removal specialist right away. (more…)

4 Signs You Should Call a Wildlife Removal Specialist

In the wild, animals are fascinating beings that should be left undisturbed and treated with respect.  However, our Toronto communities are not places in which wild animals should live. Their presence can pose a threat to us, our property, and the animals themselves. Here are 4 signs that you should call a wildlife removal specialist right away. (more…)

Signs Your Home Has Been Infiltrated by Small Woodland Creatures

Raccoons, squirrels, bats, birds, and bugs are only a few of the creatures that can have you calling your Toronto wildlife removal company in a panic. There are several indicators that you may have a problem with any of these creatures, so read on to learn about a few of the ways you can spot a potential issue. (more…)

Why You Should Only Have Bats Removed by a Specialist

The bat is an often misunderstood and feared animal, but many common conceptions about bats are simple myths. For example, bats are not blind, and actually can navigate in the dark very well with their echolocation abilities. It’s highly unlikely that a bat would ever get caught in someone’s hair, as a common paranoia would suggest. However, bats do pose risks and dangers to humans. If bats are living in your home, then you should call a bat removal service to have them humanely removed. (more…)

Common Home Characteristics that Attract Wildlife Looking for a Place to Call Home

Every fall, animals make their way into Toronto homes for food and warmth. Whether or not they are attracted to your home depends on a few basic characteristics. Here are some tips that can help to keep wildlife out of your home. (more…)

Keeping Wildlife Out: Squirrel-Proof Your Home

Squirrels may not seem like a problem, but sometimes, especially during mating and birthing seasons, they can be particularly driven to get into our homes. While life in your attic may be great for them, it can cause some serious structural damage that puts your family and property at risk. In most cases professional squirrel removal is necessary to avoid further problems. (more…)

Tips for Keeping Pesky Raccoons and Squirrels Out of Your Trash

Raccoons are notorious for overturning garbage cans, creating a massive mess and lots of disruptive noise in your neighborhood. They love to strike after nightfall, when most people and pets are asleep, so it can be hard to catch these mammals in the act. Wildlife removal services can help you with a squirrel or raccoon problem, but there are a few things you can do around your home to discourage raccoons from invading your trash. (more…)

How Quickly Can Wildlife Turn a Home Into a Nesting Ground?

A house offers many nooks and crannies that can make perfectly suitable nests for various animals. Wildlife removal should happen as soon as possible to prevent nests from being established, because it doesn’t take long. Here are some common spots in homes around Toronto that wildlife can easily and quickly turn into their nesting grounds.

  • Attics

One of the most common nesting sites for wildlife in your home is the attic. Attics are often rarely visited by the residents of the house, allowing animals to make nests and take up permanent residence. Squirrels, mice, birds, and bats can all turn your attic into their private home. Many attics have cracks or holes under eaves for ventilation that animals can easily get through. It’s important to make sure that your attic is both ventilated and sealed off to animal intruders.

  • Crawlspaces

Wildlife of all kinds tends to prefer quiet, untraveled areas in which to make their nests; crawlspaces fit these descriptors exactly. If a crawlspace is not sealed, then wildlife will quickly turn these passageways into their own private homes. Only a professional wildlife removal service should attempt to remove animals from crawlspaces, as mobility can be restricted, making the situation all the more dangerous.

  • Walls

Some homeowners may be horrified the first time they here scampering feet moving about their walls, but this is not an uncommon situation. Sometimes, cracks in outdoor siding or an indoor hole allows squirrels and other nesting animals to get into the walls of your home. Mice and other rodents can cause problems to your electrical system as they are known to gnaw on wires.

If your home has been turned into a nesting ground, then call Humane Wildlife Control. We handle all types of wildlife removal needs, including raccoon removal, opossum removal, skunk removal, squirrel removal, and more. To find out more, visit our website or call us.

Wildlife Home Protection

Nasty weather will drive anyone indoors, including local wildlife. Wild animals can enter your walls, crawlspace, and attic through holes much smaller than you might expect. Once inside, animals seeking comfort and food can do a lot more damage to a home than people often realize.

This Angie’s List report explains how much damage just a few small critters can do. The report gives examples of massive repairs needed after a small rodent invasion and other similar situations. A speaker in the video also warns you of how little space is needed for mice to enter a home, prompting you to fill any holes in your house’s walls or roof.

We can humanely remove any wildlife creatures and ensure that they can’t get back into your home. Contact us for more information.