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Tag: pigeon control

Popular Hang-Outs for Birds In Your House or Building

Has your home or business been overrun with birds as of late? If so, then you may be disheartened to hear learn that this is a problem that only gets worse with inaction. In this article, read about architectural features that birds find particularly attractive and what can be done to reduce that appeal and get rid of avian intruders.

Tops of Flat Buildings
Pigeons are particularly fond of flat roof spaces, often seeking out the highest buildings in neighborhoods on which to build their nests. Because mass nesting is common among pigeons, and these widely reviled birds have the ability to construct nests overnight, the sudden discovery of a dozen or more pigeons on your property is not uncommon. Chimney pots and flat overhangs or ledges are nesting spots of choice, and anti-roosting measures, such as surface modification, should be taken by homeowners who want to avoid having their property overrun with pigeons.

Building Eaves
When swallows make their return migration to Ontario in the late spring, they are on the lookout for textured surfaces to which they can attach their familiar mud nests. If the swallows have made a home out of your home, then you should have them professionally and humanely removed. To prevent them from roosting on your property, a professional bird exclusion team can make the eaves of your Toronto home undesirable to the swallow and other passerine birds.

Front Porches
Front porches are another favorite for swallows looking to build mud nests. Rubber snakes and plastic owls can be affixed to your porch light or elsewhere, but the most effective front porch bird-proofing is done by professionals.

Light Fixtures
The tops of light fixtures, especially if they are flat, provide a variety of bird types with an ideal nesting location. Bird spikes, decorative sconces, and shiny reflective devices can deter most birds from laying and raising their young on top of your home’s exterior light fixtures.