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Areas of the Home that May Be Exposed to Mammalian Wildlife Intrusion

Raccoons and squirrels can be cute when seen in the wild, but most homeowners would agree that they are a nuisance when living in or around the home. If you are seeking to identify wildlife intruders in your home, then it is helpful to know what areas are most often at risk of infestation. Read this article to find out what some of those areas are and what you should do if you suspect raccoons, squirrels, or opossums are living in them.

Attic Insulation
For squirrels, attic insulation is a particularly attractive dwelling. You will know that a family of squirrels has converted your attic into a nest when you hear scratching or scampering noises coming from above during the day. If you hear these noises at night, then your attic could be a new home for opossums, raccoons, bats, or any of a number of other nocturnal creatures.

Raccoons love chimneys. They like to sleep in chimneys, they like to play in chimneys, they like to eat in chimneys, and they especially like to breed in chimneys. Having a chimney cap installed is sometimes an effective method of closing your chimney off to the raccoons of your Toronto neighborhood, but some especially cunning raccoons may work their way inside anyway. If you suspect that there might be raccoons nesting inside of your chimney, then call a professional.

Under Overhangs
Just like humans, most mammals seek shelter from the wind, rain, and snow. The same overhangs that protect your windows, walls, and doors from being damaged by the sun can protect raccoons, squirrels, and opossums from unfriendly precipitation. Bats especially like vaulted front porch overhangs.

Rubbish Bins
Leaving rubbish bins outside, especially without tightly sealed lids, is an invitation to raccoons and skunks to feast on your dinner leftovers. Consider storing your bins inside until the morning on which they are scheduled to be picked up.

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